Here in part 10 you'll find out why everything you've read about O.B.E vibrations in books is wrong and you'll find out the 3 easiest ways to tell how close you are to an O.B.E.
The Top 3 Signals To Tell How Close You Are To An Obe
If you've never done an O.B.E before, it's extremely difficult to know if you're making any progress until you're actually already out of your body or in a lucid dream. What you need are easy to detect signals that you can use like road signs to tell you how close you are to succeeding. In this section we'll cover the top 3 most common road signs. These are:
1 - The sleep paralysis wave
2 - Pre O.B.E rushing noises
3 - Vibrations
Sleep Paralysis Wave: Your Primary Signal
We already covered the sleep paralysis wave in Lucidology 101 part 2. Essentially when your body shuts itself down in sleep paralysis you'll feel something like a heavy lead blanket feeling being laid on your body. This feeling is unmistakable and a sign that you're very close to success and you can use the exit techniques we'll cover in part 12 to turn the paralysis into an O.B.E.
Pre-O.B.E. Rushing Noises: The Second Most Frequent Signal
The second road sign to watch for are pre-O.B.E rushing noises. When you tune in between stations on a radio you get the sound of random static andwhite noise. Once you're back on a station again things come in clearly. It's the same thing with O.B.E.s. You start out completely focused in your normal waking environment and as you drop into a subconscious focus you pass through a kind of no man's land where you're not really conscious and you're not really subconscious.
Rushing Noises Can Sound Like A Tornado Or Freight Train
When you're tuned to that no-man's land frequency you hear rushing noises that sound like random static or a train rushing by.
Vibrations: The Most Famous Progress Signal
About the same time you hear rushing noises you may feel what are called O.B.E vibrations. Vibrations are probably the most famous phenomenon associated with O.B.E.s and they're also the effect that has the most misconceptions. Almost everything to be found in books on O.B.E.s about vibrations is simply wrong and so this is a place where a lot of people get stuck. They reach the vibration stage and then get hung up because they use an ineffective method from bad advice they read in a book.
The 3 Critical Vibrations Misconceptions
The 3 misconceptions about vibrations are:
1.) What they are
2.) What they mean
3.) How to use them.
What Vibrations Are Not
Here's what vibrations are not. Vibrations are not a subjective kind of thing where you it's like you're "feeling the vibes, man, far out!". Vibrations are much more mundane than that.
What Are Vibrations Like?
If you make a VVVVV sound, the feeling of vibrations in your lips is very similar to the feeling of vibrations that often appear along with medium stages of paralysis. Sometimes the vibrations can been extremely strong and feel like electricity, other times they are entirely absent. It's very rare for vibrations to be strong enough to be painful, usually they just feel like a harmless buzzing in your head and chest area.
Types Of O.B.E Vibrations
However sometimes they can go throughout your entire body. These can be incredibly loud and feel like you're holding on to a chain saw. A lot of people report feeling them in the spine. In one case I woke up into an O.B.E in my bed and it sounded exactly like there was someone with a hedge trimmer outside my window. I realized it was because I had off the chart vibrations that were coming from what I later found to be the L1 lumbar vertebrae in my lower back. I used deep breathing to return myself from the O.B.E because I was running more energy than what seemed safe.
Most O.B.E Vibrations Are Harmless
That was a very unusual experience and most of the time you actually won't have any vibrations at all and if you do it's no more powerful than the feeling of a vibrating cell phone.
The basic thing to know is that once you've had vibrations, you will know it. There won't be any question in your mind about it because it's just a buzzing feeling and noise.
Misconception #2: What O.B.E Vibrations Mean
The second misconception is that most books will tell you that when you have vibrations you're ready to exit into the O.B.E. This is completely the polar opposite of reality. Vibrations mean that you are NOT ready to exit and here's why.
Double Energy From Two Signals
Physical and nonphysical awarenesses are both types of signals that you focus on. During the middle stage of an O.B.E exit you're making the transition from one to the other and you experience both physical and nonphysical signals. These signals have energy. When you sum both of these signals together you pass through a phase where you're running double the amount of energy you normally would.
Double Energy Can Result In Intermodulation Distortion
If this energy is more than your system can comfortably handle, you get distortion. The big fancy signal processing name for this is intermodulation distortion. The name is not so important as the fact that this energy hump does not go on forever, it comes and then goes and this is critical to understanding how to deal with vibrations.
Vibrations Mean You're Not Ready To Exit: Wait For "The Quiet Zone"
Because the excess energy hump comes and goes, you get a 'quiet zone' once you've focused completely out of physical focus and in to nonphysical focus. So it looks like this: you start out in physical focus with no vibes. You relax into a near O.B.E and get light vibes. You relax almost to the point of separation and get majorly heavy vibes. This is where most people screw it up because of the bad advice in books. The trick is to simply continue to relax deeper and deeper past the vibrations until the vibes have smoothed out completely. Once you're in the quiet zone after the vibes, that's how you know you've completely shifted into the O.B.E.
Unbalanced Tires Analogy
The energy hump is like a truck I used to have with unbalanced tires. When it got up to 45 MPH it would start vibrating the entire truck. At 55 MPH it would smooth out again. The range of 45 to 55 MPH was a transition range that caused the tires to vibrate with each other. Pre O.B.E. rushing noises and vibrations are the same thing: you're coming in and out of phase with two different physical and nonphysical signals.
What About Vibrationless O.B.E.s?
Keep in mind that the vibrations only happen when the total energy goes beyond what your nonphysical body is capable of conducting. The more O.B.E.s you do, the more energy you can run without problems and the less vibrations you'll have. Eventually almost all your O.B.E.s will be vibration-free.
Vibrationless O.B.E.s
You'll go from waking awareness, with no vibes, all the way to the O.B.E with no vibes which means you'll have to rely on other signals that we'll cover later to tell if you're in the O.B.E. The up side to this is that vibrationless O.B.E.s are much brighter and clearer than O.B.E.s where you have to punch through massive vibrations.
Why Vibrationless O.B.E.s Are Brighter And Clearer
Why would that be? In a chainsaw, the noise is caused by friction. Vibrations are a form of noise, so vibrations are a form of friction. Friction is waste of energy. Chainsaw noise is a waste of physical energy and so vibrations are a waste of nonphysical energy.
When you're in vibrations you're wasting energy so it's a state you want to relax through as quickly as possible.
Misconception #3: What To Do With Vibrations
The next misconception is what to do once you're in vibrations. For instance, Robert Monroe wrote that you should try to 'sweep' the vibrations up and down your body before separating. Is this good advice or not?
Relaxation Is The Only Solution
The only way to reduce vibrations is to reduce the pressure that causes friction and that means relaxing.
If you reach vibrations and then try to do something, whether it's running the vibrations up and down your body or anything else, then the one thing you're NOT doing is relaxing. And relaxing is exactly the one thing that you need to do when you have vibrations because only way to release the friction is to relax. No other solution will work.
This is why vibrations are a major obstacle for more OBEers, because when they try to do something, anything, they are unable to simply relax into the quiet zone.
Definitely do NOT try to force your way out when you're in the middle of vibrations. You'll almost certainly just get pulled right back into your body since you haven't yet matched up with a nonphysical focus.
The "How Close To An O.B.E? Meter": Relax Through Vibrations
Even if you do manage to muscle your way out, you'll have spent so much energy on the exit that the resulting O.B.E will probably be so dark and low energy that you'll just stagger around and not be able to do anything fun anyway. It's far better to relax through vibrations into the quiet zone and then slip out of body effortlessly.
The Sneaky Loop Hole: Photographic Trance
By the way, there is a sneaky loop hole that allows you to cheat so you can do O.B.E.s even when you're in the middle of vibrations. We'll cover this sneaky cheat in Lucidology 102 part 3. The trick is to enter something called a photographic trance which allow you to have O.B.E.s at much lighter levels of trance so you don't have to be in full sleep paralysis to separate.
Exiting Even In The Middle Of Vibrations
This loophole also opens the door to a technique called 'trance recycling' . Trance recycling allows you to have a dozen or more O.B.E.s in a row and quickly rack up a massive number of O.B.E.s in a single session.
Because many O.B.E.s are completely vibrationless, you need several other road signs to tell how close you are to success. In the next section we'll cover the 5 crucial progress signals to tell how close you are to an O.B.E.
To find out more about Lucidology 102, visit
Want to see how to lucid dream tonight? Nick is the author of "Lucidology 101: How To Trick Your Body Into Falling Asleep To Have Lots of Amazing Lucid Dreams". Click the link to download it free and watch free videos on how to use OBE vibrations to have lots of out of body experiences starting tonight. In it you'll get:
1. Complete 8 Step Diagram To Trick Your Body Into Falling Asleep To Have Your First OBEs And Lucid Dreams
2. The 7 Biggest Killer Lucid Dream & OBE Mistakes People Make All The Time - How Many Of These Are You Making?
3. Charts: How To Tell How Close You Are To A Successful OBE
4. Five Lucid Dream & OBE Induction MP3s To Supercharge Your Progress
5. The Lucid Dream & OBE Flash Timer
6. Predefined Lucid Dream & OBE Timer MP3s
Just click over and I'll see you there!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
OBE Vibrations - 3 Ways How to Tell How Close You Are to an OBE Or Lucid Dream
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12:24 AM
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