By Gregory Hebb
One of the most effective forms of self improvement in health psychology is visual imagery. One of my professors in university was a health psychologist and used this technique everyday. After ten years she was able to throw away her glasses. She had actually reformed the lenses of her eyes to the point she did not need glasses anymore! Astral Projection is one of the oldest forms of visual imagery and its applications are endless when it comes to finding happiness and love through knowledge of the Self in relationship with the rest of the world.
In my journey of self discovery I have studied many different forms of Self exploration. This usually was a masculine practice of stilling the mind, emptying the thoughts as completely as possible so as to rest in the witness position and watch the feminine movement of life force untainted by the distortion of intention, expectation and opinion. Although this is a great way to understand the difference between the witness and that which is being witnessed, it did not help me to understand how they function together to create what I have come to know as reality.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Understanding the Self Through Astral Projection
Labels: Astral Projection, Theories
What Are Astral Projections And Etheric Projections?
By William Ember
Astral Projection is the common name for the process by which your consciousness (or awareness, soul, psyche) can temporarily leave its physical body and function independently, while your physical body remains passive. During this experience, we observe the world (or other worlds) from a non-physical point of view and with non-physical senses. The 'projector' finds themselves outside their physical body and released from any physical constraints.
The name 'Astral' is given to describing anything associated with these energetically-focussed, rather than matter-focussed, phenomena. It comes from the root aster, meaning 'relating to a star' or 'starry'. For example, we perceive astral light in the Astral Plane via the astral senses of our astral body, etc. So 'Astral Projection' is simply the term used to describe how to consciously 'arrive' and 'be' in the Astral Plane. Regardless of the seemingly occult term, it is as entirely natural a process as breathing is.
Labels: Astral Projection
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Four Reasons to Experience Astral Projection
By Jill Lowy
Most everyone has heard of astral projection, but why on earth should anyone want to experience this phenomenon? Well, I think there are four good reasons to practice astral projection. Let me first just say that I have experienced astral projection many times in my own life, so I do have some knowledge on the subject. I have also written a book on astral projection and taught many courses, and workshops on astral projection. One of the questions that I have been asked many times is "Why should I want to experience astral projection?" Yes, it is an interesting phenomenon, but what can it do for me?
Labels: Astral Projection, General
Total Astral Projection
By Russell Symonds
What is Astral Projection and What Are the Best Conditions for this Strange Experience?
Astral projection also known as the out-of-body experience and as "soul travel" by some groups, can happen to anyone at any time in one's life. Astral projection is often confused with lucid or vivid dreaming and most skeptics would say that what most people would experience as an out-of-body experience is just a dream. Even though it is quite common for an astral projection experience to be immediately proceeded by a vivid dream or even be mixed up with or embedded within dreams, when one has a full-blown out-of-body astral experience, it is often so real, so vivid and clear that in no way, shape or form is it considered by the experiencer as just being a dream. Genuine astral projection is experienced as a fully awakened state outside the body, and the person is able to actually see, usually from a strange angle, his or her usually still or lifeless looking body lying down on the bed, sofa or couch. One is able to see minute details in the room and travel anywhere else conceivable and watch events and discover new places and/or previously lost or undiscovered items that can later be confirmed.
Labels: Astral Projection
Monday, February 15, 2010
The steps for Lucid Dreams
By Mike Northstar
If you are reading this article then you’re interested in the concept of lucid dreaming. I have been interested for a number of years. The concept of being able to control dreams, to have a lucid dream has always intrigued me.
I can still remember my very first experience with lucid dreams when I was a child. I dreamt that I was falling and I thought to myself that I was going to die. Then I simply decided to change the hard ground into a lake of water. I had just taken control of my first dream. At the time I did not know that this was called lucid dreaming, it was just fascinating to me that I was able to change my dream while I was dreaming.
Labels: Lucid Dreaming, Techniques
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Out of Body Experience Techniquest
Part 1 of 3
Part 2 of 3
Part 3 of 3
Labels: Techniques, Videos
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Virtual out-of-body experience
A group of neuroscientists have induced out-of-body experiences for the first time, using virtual reality and an experimental set-up. Read more about it here.
What is an out of body experience?
By Oudam Em
An out of body experience is a subjective experience in which one's consciousness seems to depart from the body, enabling him or her to perceive the physical world from the outside. The term out of body experience is often used interchangeably with astral projection, but the two phenomena, while similar, are not synonymous at all. Astral projection, by contrast, is the idea that a person has an astral body, usually connected to the physical body by a silver cord, that can travel freely in the astral world. The astral world is a subtle replica of the physical world but may contain elements that have no counterparts in the physical world. Unlike an OBE, an astral projection does not require one's consciousness to travel through the physical world and being able to perceive physical reality from outside the body.
Out of body experiences can be terrifying, especially while one experiences it for the first time. The sensation of separating from the physical body may make a person feel as if his or her soul is leaving the body (i.e, dying). To experienced practitioners, on the other hand, OBE can be an exhilarating adventure, allowing them to fly and walk through walls with their sense perceptions largely intact . Owing to its remarkable intensity and vividness, out-of-body experiences can be spiritually transforming, affirming the existing of the soul and the afterlife.
An author's description of his OBE
An author's description of the out-of-body experiences that led him to write his first book.
Labels: Personal Accounts, Videos
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Improve Your Astral Projections!
By Tim Todd
Let us explore some of the common myths regarding Astral Projection and how with a modern day perspective we can overcome some of the misconceptions of how it works and what it means to "travel outside of your body".
We will learn how our perception and interpretation can limit our success in experiencing this phenomenon that is as old as ancient man. Learn also how with this new perspective, along with conquering our fears, we will discover the main ingredient we will need for traveling without boundaries!
Improve your Astral Projections!
How many cultures of mankind have stories regarding some kind of astral travel? Whether, it is some kind of vision quest like the Native Americans, or some sort of trance like state utilized by the likes of Nostradamus or Rasputin. Over the millennia we as a species have been exposed to the idea of traveling beyond where our physical body can take us. Over time this concept and the perception of its application has been interpreted and reinterpreted again and again throughout our civilization.
Labels: Astral Projection, Techniques
10 Must Know Astral Projection Symptoms - Don't Attempt Projection Without These!
By Abhishek Agarwal
Remember the story of a drowning man who lost hope because he couldn’t see the land? He stopped swimming…even though the shore was just a mile away! Unfortunately, he didn’t know how close he was!
Most people quit too soon because they don’t see immediate results. But if you know what signposts to expect along the way, you will know that you are right on track.
Hmm…so you have read scores of Astral Projection techniques, tried some of them and still haven’t experienced a conscious Projection? Don’t quit too soon. You may be close…very close!
Below, I have listed some common pre-Astral Projection sensations. The more knowledgeable and prepared you are about the initial sensations associated with out-of-body exploration, the more success you are likely to achieve.
Labels: Astral Projection, Techniques
New to Lucid Dreams and OBEs? Why Waking Sleep Paralysis is the "Lucid Dream Holy Grail"
By Nick Newport
If you're new to out of body experiences and lucid dreams and you're wondering where to get started, here it is. In this article you're about to find out why sleep paralysis is the holy grail for new OBEers because it's how you can access your subconscious without having to practice using any visualizations at all.
If you've ever woken up in the morning and found that you couldn't move or make a sound for a few minutes, you've had sleep paralysis. This used to happen to me and I had no idea why or what it was. But as it turns out, this was the trick that opened the door to frequent OBEs for me after having insomnia for years.
It's A Protection Mechanism
The question is "what is sleep paralysis and how can you use it?" It's a protection mechanism your body uses when you fall asleep. If you were to dream you're doing something very active, such as running, and you weren't paralyzed then you would move your limbs when you're asleep and you'd wake yourself up. To prevent that from happening, your body disconnects your voluntary muscle system from your mind so that you can dream all you like without waking yourself up.
Labels: Induction, Lucid Dreaming, Techniques
Out of Body Experiences
By Tracey Wilson
I have what is called astral projections; OBE's: Out of Body Experiences. My soul actually leaves my body. I travel around the house, or have trips up into the universe. Some I remember well and others I do not.
I have had them since I was a child, some have been good, while others awful. Most of the real bad ones happened while I was a teenager and young adult. I have been paralyzed and tried to yell or scream, but of course no one could hear me. On some of them when I returned to the body, I was able to open my eyes, but not able to move anything else.
I have no control over them, usually it happens at night when I am half-awake, half-asleep. I go into a deep natural meditation. I can feel my body pulling apart, it sort of feels like a magnet. Sometimes it feels like my soul is coming from my solar plexus (stomach) and rolls up and out through the top of my head. It seems like these are the ones that last the longest and are the hardest to get control over.
It has made me lose sleep a lot of nights, from continually having OBE's all night long. As soon as I get real relaxed, I'll slip out of my body; I'll force myself to wake up and then it will happen over and over through out the night. On nights like this, I try to stay awake. I don't want to go back to sleep and experience the OBE's again.
Labels: Personal Accounts
Traveling Out Of Body
By Keith Varnum
I can see the cops coming! They're a good thousand feet away. I can clearly make out their uniforms and swinging nightsticks. How can I be seeing this?
I didn't dare mention it to my fellow underage drinking mates lounging with me on the grassy knoll in the park. Am I making this up? Projecting it somehow into my vision? Forcefully, I shook my head back and forth in an effort to free my mind of its strange perception.
But the view of the two police officers remained in my sight, as they sauntered closer and closer to our drinking den. In fact, to my further astonishment, I saw a much wider perspective as I swiveled my gaze within the picture before me. I can see myself!
Labels: Personal Accounts
Out Of Body Experiences
By Peter Dobrovic
He felt the familiar dislocation as he drifted away from his physical form and came to rest beside the bed that contained his and his wife's sleeping bodies. Looking down at them briefly, he felt both a part of them and as if he was a detached onlooker. This phenomenon had begun during a serious childhood illness and continued to occur in the present day. He became aware of the same conditions that had accompanied it in the past. The darkness was suffused with a vibrant blue aura as he hovered slightly above the floor.
The sense of well being and energy that permeated him was in no way related to the physical state of existence. Although he presently appeared to have a tangible body, this was probably a superfluous effect, as his thoughts were free and completely removed from bodily considerations. He experienced a profound lucidity that belied the possibility that this was a dream... Any further observations came to an abrupt halt, as just then, the doorbell rang.
He fleetingly acknowledged that this was unlikely in the early hours but he could not prevent his own immediate movement towards the head of the stairs. In passing, he noticed that his feet were not actually touching the steps as he descended the staircase and made to unlock the front door. It was far too late to heed the inner voice that startled him with its urgent imperative not to open the door.
Labels: Personal Accounts
Three Easy Techniques to Achieve Astral Projection Overnight
By George Avila
Ingredients List
Achieving Astral Projection overnight is as easy as going to bed. There are a few ingredients and three easy techniques you need to cook this up. Needless to mention, if you are an intermediate to expert level in the art of astral projection you might already know these ingredients.
However, the hope of jotting this down is to provide a very simple recipe to allow anyone to achieve success literally overnight.
Labels: Astral Projection, Induction, Techniques
A Theory on Astral Projection
By Mark Cunningham
When I was Ten or Eleven years old I had a fascination in the occult and alternate states of reality. I was particularly interested in astral projection I would read all the books and try all the examples, you see I really wanted to experience what these so called astral travelers were experiencing, apparently they were able to leave their bodies for a length of time and travel in the real world to far off places - often they would notice something whilst traveling that would have been impossible to notice from their present location and after their experience would gain credibility by confirming that the object or place actually existed. So in a nutshell people may have the ability to leave their bodies and travel often flying to far off places sometimes also time traveling.
8 Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Your Astral Projection Fears
By Abhishek Agarwal
One of the most important reasons why people do not succeed in Astral Projection is because of fear. If you are afraid of the Astral world, let me assure you that you're not alone! Fear of the unseen and unknown is a quite natural emotion. When you overcome your fears, you will find a land of unlimited possibilities in front of you!
In this short article we will discuss some common Astral Projection fears and some effective tips on how to overcome them.
Labels: Induction, Techniques
Total Astral Projection
What is Astral Projection and What Are the Best Conditions for this Strange Experience?
Astral projection also known as the out-of-body experience and as "soul travel" by some groups, can happen to anyone at any time in one's life. Astral projection is often confused with lucid or vivid dreaming and most skeptics would say that what most people would experience as an out-of-body experience is just a dream. Even though it is quite common for an astral projection experience to be immediately proceeded by a vivid dream or even be mixed up with or embedded within dreams, when one has a full-blown out-of-body astral experience, it is often so real, so vivid and clear that in no way, shape or form is it considered by the experiencer as just being a dream. Genuine astral projection is experienced as a fully awakened state outside the body, and the person is able to actually see, usually from a strange angle, his or her usually still or lifeless looking body lying down on the bed, sofa or couch. One is able to see minute details in the room and travel anywhere else conceivable and watch events and discover new places and/or previously lost or undiscovered items that can later be confirmed.
Labels: Astral Projection, Induction
Out-Of-Body Travel - Have You Had Them?
My first fully conscious journey out-of-the-body experience happened to me when I was only two years old. Suddenly, I found myself hovering above my two year old body with a mature adult consciousness. I gazed at the young body, then back up to notice the position of the stars in the night sky to instantly recognize my location in the universe. Then I said to myself in silent wonder, "Earth? What am I doing on Earth?" The experience lasted for a few minutes before I re-entered the body to resume the role of being a two-year-old child. I soon forgot about the conscious clarity of the experience. Many years later, at the age of eleven or twelve, a series of phenomenal events took place in my life that fully awakened this childhood experience and much more. I kept completely silent about this awakening and about a number of direct UFO encounters I began to have shortly after this, while residing in Washington State not far from MT Rainier during a time when there were many documented UFO sightings there.
Labels: General, Personal Accounts
Astral Projection - Proof Vs Belief
What is astral projection?
1- "An out-of-body experience (OBE) is the feeling of departing from ones body and observing both one's self and the world from outside one's body"
2- "In astral projection the conscious mind leaves the physical body and moves into the astral body."
There have been thousands of documented scientific experiments confirming that astral travel is real.
Susan Blackmore, the former parapsychologist was quoted for many years in paranormal studies and worked continuously to verify this phenomena. She had a paranormal experience after several hours on the Ouija board while stoned on marijuana that sent her on the path of discovery of consciousness beyond the physical body. She was in a period of her life when she deprived herself of sleep--as she herself says; probably because she was a dedicated student and researcher. Any of those factors alone could have helped in attaining an experience.
Labels: Astral Projection
OBE Vibrations - 3 Ways How to Tell How Close You Are to an OBE Or Lucid Dream
Here in part 10 you'll find out why everything you've read about O.B.E vibrations in books is wrong and you'll find out the 3 easiest ways to tell how close you are to an O.B.E.
The Top 3 Signals To Tell How Close You Are To An Obe
If you've never done an O.B.E before, it's extremely difficult to know if you're making any progress until you're actually already out of your body or in a lucid dream. What you need are easy to detect signals that you can use like road signs to tell you how close you are to succeeding. In this section we'll cover the top 3 most common road signs. These are:
1 - The sleep paralysis wave
2 - Pre O.B.E rushing noises
3 - Vibrations
Labels: Induction
8 Steps to First-Hand Proof of Nonphysicality in Lucid Dreams & Out of Body Experiences
The simplest and most reliable way to have lucid dreams and OBEs is to use something called 'hypnotic fractionation' to put your body to sleep while keeping your mind awake.
Hypnotic Fractionation
Hypnotic fractionation means that when you enter trance, leave trance and the enter into it again, then the second time you enter trance you enter it more deeply than before.
That means that if you can enter even the slightest trance then you can enter a very deep trance just by going in and out of that trance over and over.
To do this, use a timer that beeps every few minutes. You simply fall asleep for a few minutes, let the timer beep to wake you up and then you fall asleep again. This works best when you don't try to stay aware for the OBE. Just fall asleep and let the timer do all the work to make you become aware.
Labels: Induction
Your Body is a Map of Your Consciousness
By Martin Brofman
Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness.
Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being.
You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to think, and you decide what to feel. When these decisions leave you with residual stress, you experience the stress as if in your physical body. We know that stress creates symptoms. The interesting question is, "Which stress creates which symptoms?" When we are able to quantify this process, we are then able to see the body as a map of the person's consciousness, relating particular symptoms to particular stresses and particular ways of being, in the same way that Type "A" Behavior has been able to be associated with heart disease.
Labels: General
Use Self-Hypnosis To Have An Out Of Body Experience
By Adam Eason
There are times when our experience of life can seem unreal or surreal. I went through a traumatic experience when I was younger. During that experience, I found myself at times feeling removed from reality also. Sometimes, when we are surrounded by lots of new stimulus and when we have a great deal of unusual, new and different things occurring within us, our perception of how and who we are can be removed.
Out-of-body experiences are commonplace among trauma victims - it is thought of by many as a form of protection from the pain of the trauma, or in relation to shock.
The point I want to illustrate here is that these out-of-body experiences and altered perceptions of our own reality are naturally occurring. Much research has been done on these experiences and we are all aware of the often told experience of people on operating theatre tables seeing themselves and similar types of experiences. Now, some people believe that it is simply our perception that is being altered and I do not want to get bogged down with what is scientifically actually occurring with these experiences.
Labels: Induction
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
What is an out of body experience?
By Oudam Em
An out of body experience is a subjective experience in which one's consciousness seems to depart from the body, enabling him or her to perceive the physical world from the outside. The term out-of-body experience is often used interchangeably with astral projection, but the two phenomena, while similar, are not synonymous at all. Astral projection, by contrast, is the idea that a person has an astral body, usually connected to the physical body by a silver cord, that can travel freely in the astral world. The astral world is a subtle replica of the physical world but may contain elements that have no counterparts in the physical world. Unlike an OBE, an astral projection does not require one's consciousness to travel through the physical world and being able to perceive physical reality from outside the body.
Out-of-body experiences can be terrifying, especially while one experiences it for the first time. The sensation of separating from the physical body may make a person feel as if his or her soul is leaving the body (i.e, dying). To experienced practitioners, on the other hand, OBE can be an exhilarating adventure, allowing them to fly and walk through walls with their sense perceptions largely intact . Owing to its remarkable intensity and vividness, out-of-body experiences can be spiritually transforming, affirming the existing of the soul and the afterlife.
Labels: General
- Astral Projection (9)
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